2 Year Old Offer
Some 2 year olds in Sefton can get FREE early learning and childcare support if they meet one or more of the eligibility criteria. If you meet the eligibility criteria, your child would be eligible for funding from the term after their 2nd birthday.
The aim of this support is to make sure that children from all backgrounds learn at the same rate as their peers and are school ready when they reach 5 years of age.
A free place is equal to 570 hours, which is broken down to 15 hours per week across 38 weeks. You would be given a morning or afternoon place 8.45-11.45 a.m. or 12.30- 3.30 p.m. Attending everyday is good preparation for school and helps children to establish a routine.
How do I apply for a place?
Complete an online application and eligibility form on the www.sefton.gov.uk website or pop into school and we will help you to do this.
To find out if your child is eligible we will use your National Insurance number and date of birth to check if your child can have a place and let you know if you are eligible or not.
If you require any help please speak to the Office Manager, Linda Lomax,
Is my child eligible for a free place?
You can check your child’s eligibility using the online application and eligibility form.You can claim a free place for your child if you receive one or more of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guaranteed element of State Pension Credits
- Child / Working Tax Credits and annual gross earnings of less than £16,190
- Working Tax Credit 4 week run on (the payment you receive when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
- Universal Credit Eligibility Criteria
Children are also eligible if they:
- Are a Local Authority looked after child
- Are a child of a care leaver (Under the age of 25 years)
- Have a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan
- Access a Disability Living Allowance
- They have left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order
When is my child entitled to a free place?
If your child’s 2nd birthday falls between 1 January – 31 March, they will become entitled to a free place from the start of the Summer Term (after Easter).
If your child’s 2nd birthday falls between 1 April – 31 August, they will become entitled to a free place from the start of the Autumn Term (early September).
If your child’s 2nd birthday falls between 1 September – 31 December, they will become entitled to a free place from the start of the start of Spring Term (early January).
My child is eligible, what do I do next?
Complete the e-form , stating where you would like to access your early education and childcare. If you are eligible it will provide you with a voucher to bring into school to enable us to secure your child's place.